These days I have enjoyed an unexpected break from daily duties. My Friday classes were canceled, so International Worker´s Day holidays let me free until next Wednesday. Well, certainly I am not fully exempt from schoolwork at the moment (semester´s exams are around the corner again) but at least I have some extra time for writing essays.
On Thursday evening I visited my parents´place. It was really nice because I could study harder with no better halves around to get me distracted all the time. Besides, I met many friends once my work was done: two of my long-term darlings came back from Japan after visiting my sister ( and we had a great time talking about their adventures. Moreover, I was given many charming presents that deserve their own post.
Though there are no pictures from last Thursday meeting, I have many others from a little assembly with my secondary school friends a short time ago. There´s something nice about meeting old friends, right?
Another good thing about this weekend is that I almost nailed down the details about my academic research work next year. It sounds like I am finally working on North American horror fiction in the first half of the XX century (specifically the work of H.P. Lovecraft and its circle). I am really excited about this as long as it is going to be my first serious experience as a literary researcher at university.
Of course, I also spent some quality time with my mother and my youngest sister. She is twelve years old now and I can say she is following the personal footprint of the family, which means she is becoming a little nerd. I am very proud of her! On Saturday she made me drive her into the local human evolution event and she had lots of fun learning about Neanderthalis and Homo Antecessor. She aldo made me promise to take her to the premiere of Dark Shadows in Spain. She is a sweetheart, isn´t she?
Finally we went for some shopping together, and it was full of funny suprises. We found a little treassure to combine with the customized shoes my friend Morgan gave me for my birthday (above).
In general, we had a great weekend.
So tell me, have you done recent findings of any type?
Hi. Thank you for leaving your kind comment on my post. Your customized shoes look gorgeous.
ResponderEliminarOh, you´re very welcome. I am fond of looking for talented bloggers who share their experiences with other people.
ResponderEliminarThanks for the compliment about the shoes. A friend of mine made them specially for me :)
Hi Violette, your comment made me smile! I had to follow back of course, our tastes seem to be very similar! I love all of your jewellery throughout your posts, and those shoes are to die for ♥
ResponderEliminarWelcome Aoife. I am glad you comment here. I also think we do share many tastes, so I am sure we´ll understand one to each other :)
EliminarThanks a lot for the compliment. I have a tendency to buy little treassures compulsively, but It is something natural for women, I guess.
Esos zapatuelos te los tuneó Morgan??? *_* que arte tiene la jodía!!!! =D
ResponderEliminaral final no dijiste que accesorio te has comprao pa convinar los zapatos ò.ó
A Tori le gustan las ciencias? En plan ya sabes, científico loco, tripas negras y esas cosas frankenstenianas? ESO ES AMOR!!!!!
Ahora le toca que deje de suspender 6 asignaturas por trimestre (ya que creo que de las 3 ha salido la mas desastre...)y mantenga ese afán de dominar el mundo muajajajajajajaj
Al final no me comentaste si el vestido te quedó grande o no ¬¬
Aquí todo el mundo exigiendome señales de vida pero nadie me dice qué tal han sido los regalos que he enviado...ejem!
Muchos besikos y pal próximo post quiero ver un especal sesión mega currada de Tori y su Yukata *_*
¡Hola! Sí, los zapatos fueron un regalo de cumpleaños de Morgan, que está hecha una artista. De lo que compré siempre puedo ocuparme en otro post.
EliminarPues al parecer a Vicky sí que le interesan las ciencias. unque yo creo que tiene que ver con que es una niña curiosa en general y le gusta aprender. Ya se sabe como es la hiperactividad: cuantas más cosas te interesan menos te centras académicamente. Pero en fin, no te preocupes, que ya se han tomado medidas contra su pereza congénita, xd.
El vestido me queda perfecto, pero eso ya lo verás también, no te preocupes :)
¡Un besote!
I'm loving those shoes, lace and cameos is a perfect combination! :) Good luck with your literary research, it sounds very interesting! I've been looking for ages for a copy of HP Lovecrafts work in my country but I can't find it, very frustrating. :( Maybe I'll have to try Amazon or some other webshop...
ResponderEliminarThank you very much! The shoes were made by a friend of mine who is really talented for creative stuff. They are gorgeous but I just wore them a couple of times, as long as I did not have something nice to combine with them. Now I found a couple of brilliant possibilities.
EliminarIn relation to Lovecraft, I think you can get almost everything on Amazon. If you have an E-reader you can get everything as well.
His work is very accessible even in the original language. Good luck with your search!
HAY!Que se me olvidó comentar el otro día...qué cabeciña la mía...
ResponderEliminarNo me digas que aún no habías estrenado los zapatitos de Morgan????Weno,veo que por lo menos mi regalo praguense le das uso...XDDDD
El nuevo diseño del blog me parece genial,por que la foto gigantesta que tenías antes era desquiciante a la hora de encontrar los post...jajajaja...pero si me permites ser un pelín quisquillosa,lo único que le pongo pega es al tipo de fuente de los títulos,que pese a ser una fuente preciosa, tiene el inconveniente de que no se deja leer con facilidad...en fin,en artes gráficas me machacaron tanto con eso que ahora tengo ese defecto profesional,que le vamos a hacer...
Entonces Vicky también se viene con nosotros a ver la última de Tim Burton?Por que teníamos pensado ir a verla a Villagarcía por eso de que sale más barato y te regalan las gafas 3D...Tenemos que planificarlo...
P.D.: VICKY = TORI???? Qué me he perdido? XD
Por cierto,el comentario de antes es mio (Lex_Gaia),no de sé que pudo pasar...estas tecnologías...
ResponderEliminar¡Hola! Pues sí los había estrenado pero no acababa de pillarles el punto a con qué ponerlos, soy una quisquillosa paea esas cosas.
EliminarGracias por lo del diseño. La verdad es que llevaba así desde que abrí el blog y estaba ya un poco cansada. Además un día me levanté y dije "anda, ese pedazo de cabecera no deja ver nada de nada, mejor lo cambiamos". A mi también me parece que el título de las entradas podría ser más legible pero de momento creo que voy a dejarlo así.
En cuanto a Dark Shadows, el otro día Vicky me pidió que la lleve a verla, así que habrá que ejercer de encantadora hermana mayor :) Lo de Villagarcía no lo acabo de ver, porque Vicky se marea cosa mala y habiendo cines en Pontevedra es tontería. Además en principio no creo que vayamos a verla en 3D (ahí la que se marea soy yo y tampoco es que esta película tenga mucho sentido verla en 3D). Si quieres te aviso la semana del estreno y ya concretamos.
¡Un besete y no le suplantes la personalidad a Manuel!
Ok,pues ya concretaremos más adelante el tema del cine...a mi personalmennte me da igual siempre que la veamos todos junto para luego tomarnos un té para comentarla,que para mi es lo mejor del cine...poder comentarla justo después XD
ResponderEliminarPero hay algo que me sigue escamando...por qué Emu dice Tori cuando sé refiere a Vicky???
Quedamos así entonces, te doy un toque. Yo también quiero comentarla después, es parte del ritual del cine :)
EliminarTori es el diminutivo simpático que tenemos en casa para la peque (Victoria/Toria/Tori). Todo el mundo la llama Vicky, así que por llevar la contraria... ya sabes :P
Hello girl just saw your blog i loved it and will follow you back (i have a problem with my brower it doesnt show me the following button i will try to fix it:/)
ResponderEliminarLoved the shoe and the Lovecraft book, lace, cameo black, favorite things!! Also cannot wait for the Dark Shadows to come!!:)
Hi Magda, I am glad to hear you´re following me!
EliminarThanks for your compliments, I hope you like my place and you feel comfortable here.
I think Dark Shadows is going to be the best. Tim Burton is great when it comes from comedy!
you are very welcome dear! also the same for my blog! happy to see people with same taste around the internet! makes me feel that i am not alone!
Eliminaris great with comedy but i would also loved him a good material like Sleepy Hollow!
Lovely blog. Like the shoes aswell. :)
ResponderEliminarThank you very much. Glad you visit it :)
ResponderEliminarMe encanta leer tu blog. En mi blog tienes un premio.
Muchas gracias. Siempre es agradable conocer lectores nuevos :-)