jueves, 13 de octubre de 2011

She Spoke and Winter Left

My friend Elisa and I on a semi-melted mood.

As my readers know, I mentioned the early coming of fall a couple of times.
It could be thought that my words played as a hocus-pocus, as long as the season magically dissapeared. Literally. One day we woke up and Father Autumn had just vanished! Its grey beard made of wind and mist was replaced by the burning sun and its lovely golden leaves cloack is not here anymore.
Usually, I smile when people say climatic change is just politic maneuvre. I had never have so strong impression about this truth. October is here but cold is not coming! Many of you can think this is a regular thing in such a warm place like Spain but not in the north. Galicia isn´t a well-known region out form our boundaries, so try to imagine a fairy-tale kingdom full of green woods and gardens, the most similar landscapes across Europe can just be found in Ireland. Evidently, the situation is uncanny.

On a personal level, one may consider the obvious consequences of unusual weather for an academic gothic-victorian lady: on first place, attending classes is a nightmare in the stuffy rooms inside the faculty building. I heave a sigh every morning while choosing an outfit and look with dreamy eyes at the vast variety of wooden shawls, soft knit jumpers and dresses. Of course, they´re not an option these days, unless you wish passing out.

My dear friend Iago getting annoyed by weather and pics.
But he stills so cute!

I am concious that many people would be glad about it, however the little spooky girl inside me is praying for her favourite season: Halloween. And honestly, I cannot conceive it without a former period of dead leaves and misty grounds for getting me ready. There are so many details to inspire me!

  • A good cup of cinnamon tea or hot mint chocolate.
  • Silky cashemere shawls.
  • Tartan blankets.
  • Sacher cake.
  • Victorian tea rooms.
  • Reading by the fireplace.
  • Flaper hats.
  • Synthetic furs.
  • Twilight walks across haunted woods.

My beloved sister (who, by the way, can be read here) want me to upload some pics inspired by the romantic beauty of autumn, but I am just in the position of posting these summery impressions at the moment (sorry, darling). However, inspiration is in the air and I´ll be making my best as soon as cold comes back. One of the new projects in my mind include a wintery Victorian picnic. Just imagine a bunch of ladies and gentlemen sharing hot drinks served from silvery teapots in a magnificent park, surrounded by golden trees... I just need the proper background.

So, please, please, send the season back to me!

8 comentarios:

  1. Estoy completamente de acuerdo contigo,yo no aguanto para nada el calor (Y vivo en Tenerife pff) y prefiero el frío mil veces.

  2. ¡Qué alegría tan grata leerte aquí! Porfavor, sé bienvenida.
    No puedo imaginar siquiera el calor que debe hacer en las islas estos días. Ayer en Santiago alcanzamos los veintiocho grados. Yo estoy a punto de emigrar a los alpes, a ver si así...

  3. Que gran verdad...aun que yo resumiría todo en un :"Me cago en el puto calor que hace!!!Que estamos en otoño,Jodé!!!!!"...XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD....
    Desgraciadamente no estoy de acuerdo contigo de pasar frió en medio de un campo tomando té sobre todo si el tiempo otoñal decide hacer acto de presencia....T_T

    Joder,eso me pasó a mi el año pasado, que hasta Noviembre eran 40 grados diarios y con 90% de humedad...ufffff que infierno de Otoño!
    jajaja son unas fotos muy poco típicas del Otoño pero siempre las puedes etiquetar como Otoño del 2011.
    Ahora que lo pienso...mientras he vivido en Galicia no recuerdo un otoño decente...siempre se ha pasado directamente del verano al invierno :S que mal!

  5. Lex: Ayer me dio un ataque dispépsico y aún no sé si fue un virus o un corte de digestión por culpa del calor. Por mí que se vaya y no vuelva.

  6. Petitsuisse: Pues yo quiero otoño ya. Cada vez que me acuerdo de lo bonito que era el paisaje a las orillas del Támesis el año pasado me netra la melancolía.

    Se parecía a esto:


  7. que bonito el cuadro!!!!
    En mi caso...mi otoño se está pareciendo a esto otro (ya poniéndonos con referencias pictóricas ^_^)

    Creo que definitivamente La primavera y el otoño son mis estaciones favoritas sin duda!!!!! <3

  8. Petit: ¡Es precioso! No se me había ocurrido pensar lo bonito que tiene que ser el otoño en Japón... Y en Kyoto será impresionante. Disfrútalo mucho cuando vayas :)
