Can you believe Saturday was the first sunny day of the year?
Considering I live in Spain it is pretty surprising. And even so, it was not really warm but windy and a little cold. I am sure The Gentle One would have preferred to stay home in comfort clothes and reading books (poor little thing), BUT I had finished my May exams and I needed a break. Besides, my mother gave a gorgeous new purse to me last moth and it was the first real chance to use it.
Among my multiple and very annoying manias there is one that it can be a pain in the ass sometimes:
If I get a brand new piece of clothing and, by any chance, I can´t inmediately use it for the first time I feel that the piece of clothing in questions starts looking at me with sad eyes... I really mean it. For the las thirty days the purse (which by the way is one-piece handmade collection item from a local artist) has been looking at me every single time I entered the bedroom.
Trying to sleep? Bag watching. Trying to write a post? Bag watching. Trying to watch a movie? Yeah, you get it. Too much pressure.
So? Exactly! Off we went.
I have to recognize I wasn´t specially brilliant when decided that a light poncho would be enough to keep me warm for the day. As a consequence, we had a really short walk. And this included non-stop walking to avoid freezing, which basically explains why the pictures are so bad (I know you´ll excuse me this time, but I had to choose between proper outfit pictures and keeping all my fingers!).
But ey, am I not lovely on this hippie-like attire?
There´s something on it that makes me think about Dark Shadows and Barnabas Collins ♥
So tell me darlings, are you already enjoying summer?